Expand Your Vocabulary with the Drum Set Revolution

Experience a fusion of science and art in drum education. No BS. Just the information you need to practice as efficiently as possible, to give you clear results and make your playing more exciting. 


My name is Richard Sandström - a professional musician that runs the Drum Set Revolution. 

The purpose of this site is straightforward: To offer you the highest quality drum lessons.

They all have one common goal: To give you the tools that will help you learn as quickly as possible and to make you play as expressively as possible. That's pretty much it.

I's a lifelong journey. An helping hand will prevent you from feeling alone and losing years of efficient development.

The Drum Set Revolution is where science meets art to transform your drumming. Shoot me an email if you have questions. I'm here to help you reach your goals.




Here I'm modulating between different time signatures. A hint of the exciting things explored in the courses.

Unleash Your Drumming Potential Today

Experience the fusion of science and art in drumming. Learn and grow as fast as possible with the products here at The Drum Set Revolution.

The Practice Log
- The Foolproof Way to Plan, Follow & Evaluate your Practicing

Here's what Thomas Lang has to say about The Practice Log:

"This book is a perfect tool for all musicians to streamline their practicing. It will help you focus your practice, work with goals in mind and practice more efficiently. The book sets you up to pursue your ambitions with a clear plan and a proven method.

If you ever felt that your approach to practicing was too random and disorganized, then you need Richard Sandström’s The Practice Log to increase your practicing results on a daily basis."

Buy once - use forever. You will get a unique method on how to organize your drumming. With the help of a series of questions, you will get a personal practice suggestion. 

After that you will be given a method on how to plan, follow and evaluate your practicing. 

This product comes as a PDF. You can choose to use a program like Acrobat Reader (a free program) so that you can use the PDF as a fillable PDF. Of course you can also choose to print the PDF file you are given when you buy the product, if you are more fond of pen and paper.

The Practice Log is made to be used a whole year. After that you can simply copy the PDF and start it from scratch the following year. 

Simply put: This is the only method you need when organizing your practicing.  

Price: 25 USD

  • The Practice Log

25 Amazing Drum Licks 

Grow you drum fill vocabulary with this course that includes both a PDF with all the licks + videos explaining the concepts teached in the PDF.

This is more than some great sounding drum fills. This course lays out a method on how to take the drum fills written in the PDF and bend them, so that you will have hundreds of variations.

This is the perfect course for you, if you want to have a more spicy vocabulary.

Price: 25 USD

  • 25 Amazing Drum Licks

Seven Septuplet Grooves 

Learn 7 exciting sounding septuplet grooves.

I freakin’ LOVE these grooves. A lot of practicing and experimenting went in to developing these stickings.

No talking at all - just playing the grooves both with and without click in different tempos. Notation on the video screen + a PDF with handwritten notation of the grooves are included in this product.

Price: 10 USD

  • Septuplet Grooves

Gap Click Files

Want to improve your timing and ensure that you will stay focused during your practice sessions? Tadaaaa! Let me introduce you to the Gap Click.

What is a "Gap Click"? It's like a normal click track/metronome, but with silence in certain places. Why? Because it will drastically improve your timing, since you'll immediately find out if you're rushing or dragging at certain tempos.

I'll be honest with you: This way of practicing is everything but simple. But you can use these files when practicing on a pad, a drum set - or even away from the drum set. This metod will still help improve your ability to hold a tempo.

But it will improve your timing. Which might be the most important tools we drummers got.

The Gap Click files in this product are designed like this:

  • Tempos between 60-200 BPM in 10 BPM increasements (so after 60 BPM comes 70 BPM).

  • 4 measures of click track - 4 measures of silence. (I know - this is BRUTAL!)

  • Each tempo/click track is around 5 minutes long.

Something to have in mind when practicing these is that the lower tempos will be much harder than the higher ones. Simply, because there is longer periods of silence in them.

Don't be too hard on yourself! I find these very challenging. But that is what practicing is for: Pushing ourselves to be better than we were yesterday.

Imagine having rock solid timing and having confidence when playing. The Gap Click will definitely help you get there.

Price: 5 USD

  • Gap Click